Wednesday, 28 March 2012

2C Blogging Community & How A Community Is Built

Blogging community.

‘Blog’ is a recent developed word in scheme of languages. During past few years, a new dimension and many have formed their own ‘online communities with the explosion of social network platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and blogs. 

How do bloggers create a community.

According to White ( 2006), "people started to blog in specific niches, from gaming, to politics, to third grade classroom curriculum, to chocolate; ecosystems of people writing about things they cared about." 

Based on Nancy White's model, there are three types of blogging communities in media, which are the Single Blog or Blogger Centric Community, Central Connecting Topic Community and Boundaried Community.

One Blog Centric Community

A user or an organization owns one blog, however, more than one blogger may write in a blog. One blog owner can set the rules and norms of engagement.

Topic Centric Community

This form is typified by groups of bloggers with a particular party or issue identification. Personal details are not disclosed on Topic Centric Community blogs, but may share via private email and instant messaging. 

Boundaried Community

Boundaried communities are collections of blogs readers and blogs presented on a platform. Members register and ‘join’ the community and provided the chance to create a blog.  

Methods to Built Blogging Communities.

1. Technology or design. The impact of how the blogging tools are deployed and their impact on the community.

2. Social architecture. Focus of control and power, identity and interaction processes

3. The role of content or subject matter and other issues, such as scalability and lifecycle.


For example, I fall into the blog called 'Xiaxue's blog', this blog actually attracts the women to gain knowledge on protecting their skin and to keep refresh by moisturizing their skin and to keep their face pretty by teaching professional make up skills to the audience. In this post, the audience and the blogger shared the same interest with Xiaxue. So, the blog that I'm following had the methods of Central connecting topic community. 


White, N 2006, Blogs and Community-Launching a new paradigm for online community? , viewed 23 March 2012, <–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community >

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